Monday, July 12, 2010

Live Your Dream!

If you are a competitive pool player, it’s very likely that you are not only playing pool everyday, but you also think a lot about pool even when you are not playing. For some of you reading this article your dream is to beat some of the better local players consistently, for others it’s winning that weekly local competitive tournament, and for a select few it’s playing on the big stage and trying to become one of the best players in the world. Regardless of what scenario best describes you, if your goal is to play pool seriously and to reach your full potential, there are a number of things you will need to do in order to achieve greatness.

• Play with a passion. When you play pool with a passion, you are more likely to keep a high level of focus, enjoy playing the game more, and inevitably win more games. Passionate pool players love the game – they love everything about it, from putting their cue together to studying every shot on the table throughout a match. When you are passionate about something, you are also intrinsically motivated to succeed (intrinsic motivation is the type of drive that comes from within, and not because of external rewards). It’s also no surprise that people who are successful, are also usually passionate (and intrinsically motivated) about what they do!

• Play up whenever possible. If you want to get better at pool, or anything else for that matter, you will need to conquer your fears and put yourself in challenging situations on a regular basis. Sure, these “lessons” might cost you a few bucks when it comes to pool, but playing against better players will over time do wonders for your nerves, your understanding of the game, and your ability to deal with frustration and adversity.

• Be a student of the game. Try to watch and learn from the best whenever possible. Ask yourself right now who is the best breaker in your local pool hall? How about the most consistent shot? Or what player knows the most about the game, even if he/she no longer plays at a high level anymore? Interestingly, human beings love to teach others, so work on those people skills and get to know some of the better players whenever you can --- you might be surprised at how interested they are in helping you if only you ask!

• Use losing as a teaching tool. It’s a fact – you will lose games if you play this sport long enough. The funny thing is losing can be a tremendous teaching tool and can help galvanize your nerves for future big games. I am not suggesting you learn to enjoy losing, but what I am saying is by becoming a student of the game you can look back at bad shots and losses and learn what you did wrong, what you should have done, and what you need to do more of in the future.

• Take your goals seriously. Write down your goals, study them, and live them everyday. Your goals need to be high priorities in your life if you want success to occur, and high-level athletes live by their goals and review them everyday to help with focus, commitment, and achievement. Goals will help you “point your compass” in life and give you direction, and goals will also help you “right the ship” when things don’t go your way. Have conviction toward your goals and work toward them everyday and you are bound to see success!

Dr. Christopher Stankovich

Dr. Christopher Stankovich is a nationally acclaimed expert in Sport Psychology and the Founder of Advanced Human Performance Systems. For more information on performance-enhancement products, including the exclusive “Mind of Steel for Pool Success” and the world’s first Sport Performance Assessment for Pool, please visit

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